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Online Marketing Dictionary

Have you been wondering what SEO or CRM actually means? In this article we will explain to you the most important keywords in online marketing in a simple and understandable way so that your website or online company is a success.

A/B test: The A/B test (also Spilt test) is a marketing process that allows you to compare which version of your website/email campaign achieves a better response from your customers, i.e. has better performance. To do this, divide your potential customers into Group A and Group B and confront them with a different version of your website or email. You then analyze the reactions and come to the conclusion which variant is better received by your (potential) customers.

Call to action: A call to action (CTA for short) stands for “call to action” and is used in marketing for any type of action that is intended to encourage a customer to act, usually to buy. This can be, for example, a button that says “Order now”.

Checkout page:  The checkout page can consist of one or more pages. It appears to the customer after they have completed a purchase. For example, an invoice confirmation or booking details could appear on the checkout page.

Conversions: Conversion means “transformation” in German. This term is used to describe visitors to your website who convert into prospects or customers by taking an action or having a reaction. This is the case, for example, when a visitor to your website registers as a user or clicks on a marketing offer in an email campaign. The conversion rate shows you how many visitors you were able to convert into prospects, potential customers or customers. Yours will help you with this Leads as an indicator.

CRM: Customer relationship management (CRM), in German “customer relationship management”, is the orientation of a company towards systematic work with customers and their data. These include so-called CRM systems that manage customer data and can, for example, create user-defined email distribution lists that only include customers with certain characteristics in the distribution list. See also the entry below Tags. CRM systems are there to optimize and simplify the relationship with (potential) customers and thus maximize profits.

Domain: A domain is the address/address of your website. It is unique and unique to each website. A domain is not the same as the URL, but only a part of it. The domain can be divided into three parts. The third-level domain (so-called subdomain; e.g. “www.”), the second-level domain and the top-level domain (in Germany “.de”)

Email campaign: An email campaign is a form of (digital) direct marketing in which (potential) customers are addressed directly and informed about your company's activities, offers and new products/services. Email marketing is used to get more visitors to your website and to generate new prospects and customers. See also the entry for this leads.

Funnels: A funnel is a type of illustration in online marketing to describe a path or process in which visitors to your website go through a series of steps and thus become interested parties or, ideally, customers. There are different types of funnels, e.g. sales funnels, which focus on selling products/services, and marketing funnels, which aim to generate more visitors and interested parties on your website.

KPIs: Key performance indicators (KPIs) are key performance indicators that are intended to show you how your website is performing. For example, how many visitors were on your site in the last week and how long they stayed. The KPIs can also provide information about whether visitors regularly leave your website on a specific page. KPIs are used to make the success of your website/company measurable and comparable.

Landing page: The landing page is a page that visitors to a website are first directed to when they come to your website as part of an advertising banner, a search engine search entry, or another marketing medium. It is the first impression that potential customers and prospects get of your company. It's best to make sure that the landing page is tailored to the respective target group in order to keep visitors on your website and perhaps even convince them to buy.

Leads: The term leads means the first contact with a potential customer, which can arise, for example, when a visitor to your website registers as a user or leaves other contact details that you can then use as part of your CRM.

Marketing automations: Marketing automation means that you automate a marketing process using software, i.e. all steps that your customer takes before, during or after the purchase/booking are automatically handled by software. This ranges from the email marketing campaign to the feedback page after the purchase/booking.

Order Bumps: Order bumps are particularly relevant in sales marketing and mean that you offer your customers additional products in addition to their main product. These can be additional benefits for a service or discounts on other products that are related to the core product.

Responsive design: Responsive design is important for the visitor-friendliness of your website. This means that the format of your website is adapted to different devices, for example a tablet or a mobile phone.

SEO: Search engine optimization (SEO) or in German “search engine optimization” refers to all measures that increase the visibility of your website. This means that your website will appear higher in search engines (e.g. Google) and will therefore be clicked on more often. Search engine optimization can be done by repeating keywords, meta descriptions, title tags and internal linking on the website.

Tags: Tags are set to sort information on your website and divide it into different categories. For example, your customers' contact details can be tagged in order to conduct targeted email marketing. Possible tags can be the age or place of residence of your customers and users.

Thumbnails: A thumbnail is a small image that serves as a preview of a larger image. They are used, for example, in the search engine display of videos on YouTube.

Upsell: An upsell is used in sales marketing and means that after the sale of a product has been completed, the customer is shown or suggested to purchase further products that are related to the product they have just purchased. The goal is to interest the customer in other products and encourage them to make another purchase.

widget: A widget is a small piece of software with a limited number of functions that is used to support another piece of software. So to speak, like an additional part on a car.

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